“I feel, therefore I move;I move, therefore I dance”-Jennifer Cole
Everyone has access to their own movement and physical response to emotions.Everyone can dance but not everyone has the privilege of formal dance lessons.The greatest joy is witnessing that connection;I feel, therefore I move;I move, therefore I dance.
Sometimes, the word used by the teachers sounds like scolding and punishing.Discipline means “to teach”.we can associate discipline as an uncomfortable reminder what we are doing wrong.But actually discipline acts as a blueprint for a home.Discipline supports you as you get to where you are going and sets you up for the best possible outcome.
Discipline as a form of study
1)If you are a Bharatanatyam dancers saying that I am from Kalakshetra bani or some another bani its actually stating that the dancer is following certain rules, standards and commitment to the development of the style ,its something to recognise and worth respecting that transcended from ancestors to the current time.
eg:certains chittai for rendering the adavu and compositions:repetition of each line twice(one hand forward and second to backward.)resembles with the repetition of the same Sangathi twice in the compositions of Carnatic music system to give a habit of repetition.In classical music and dance learning repetition of the same lesson have vital importance to perfect the ideas what we actually want to produce.
2)before learning the particular art form the students may have some extra movements,sensations or shapes align to the body.But in the dance the dancer will learn how to hold the hand gestures, posture,way of story telling.These techniques are part of the discipline.How the movement will feel in the body when studying dance is a form of discipline and a crucial element in progressing.
Discipline is as important today as it ever was and is an essential component of leaning to be not only a good dancer, but a good human being.
“Discipline is the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards”.Dance is synonymous with discipline.Discipline is constraint and correction at the same time.
Discipline as a form of focus or for learning
Understanding the expectations, learning of the old lessons before next session and terms of proper behaviour, during class is part of learning.so these all are include in terms of discipline.
Discipline as a form of resilience to the consistency
Instead of perfection one should find beauty in imperfection.This means that one should be patient and do the best possible.
making consistency, it means focusing on small improvements every day.Trying to become 1% better (small doses of regularity) everyday.Making decision and practicing that itself is discipline and the time,effort spent makes our beautiful space to be.Sometimes the body and mind ask for rest.so we have to retreat and regroup come back ready for the next step.This type recognition is part of discipline.taking rest doesn’t necessarily mean we need to stop our practice; it just means we have the discipline to vary our approach to achieve something different and something more.This is maturity and a beautiful sign of progress.
Discipline as a method to mastery
Discipline is not only the idea of practice but the attitude produce highest quality of masterful execution in any attempted skill.here you can see discipline to discover the joy of your pursuits that won’t always show up as fun.There are a lot of emotions attached to learning anything and even more layers when using both our brains and bodies in activities such as dance.The mastery of an art form is depends upon their thought processor themselves,are reliable in their practice and interest for the class,understand the importance of teamwork and work for themselves are motivated and know their stuff.
Discipline includes the growth,acceptence,frustration,determination,soreness and elation.It leads to better to the best outcome off the desired field.so discipline in dance is remarkable and essential for everyone.