When I think of Practice of the artform,it reminds Patanjali’s Yogasutra which says the practice and detachment are a means of receiving stillness of the mind and the stillness of the fluctuation of the mind.Thus one performed with that mind can be achieved with dedication,determination and respect.Unless you jump into water, you never going to learn to swim,Just the same to start and add the habit of practice to the life is really hard.Sometimes most people never can make the habit of practice in their life.Because they’re not prioritize.
Thousand hours of practice that is necessary to achieve proficiency in art, it is debatable. The consistent level of practice has definitely been observed in lot of world artists having understood the need for deliberate practice. There we can see the importance of Guru. Guru oversees the intentional practice with expert eye and teaches you the joy and the thrill of learning of Practice as well. Hours,years,decades of conscious practice leads perfection and transfiguration. Performance will follow if you have focus on practice.
Practice is beyond the location and time frame.Thinking,internalizing,connecting with mind level, subconsciously engaging with artform or thinking about a piece of information about the artform,so on.However the time of practice can be always flexible whenever get time for ourselves. Maybe early mornings,afternoons,somedays 12pm midnights. Try to bring the practice whenever you can and at the time it can be one stretch or splitted into 2 or 3 sessions during a day.The quality of practice is important . Mind,body and soul are should be unison when you practice.Repetition is the mother of learning and body fitness,mental health and diet is very subjective.
Main challenge the lady artists face the continuous physiological changes happen to their body. For instance, during pregnancy or after child birth or even in the late forties when so many hormone imbalances in the body,the way the body react at each stage in the life is very different. So it is very important that the artist try to understand the changes that constantly happen within our body and try to adapt ourselves so as to be able to adjust everything according to the body science and give our best in terms of fitness and mindfulness.Because by nature of the artists have our emotions always on the surface and our artform itself fueled by emotions.It is hence very important us to balance the state of mind also.Learning is lifelong and always think that “Art is greater than the Artist”.
Well said Ardra. Inspiring.
Very well written article . Couldn’t but agree more with the ideas presented here about importance of harnessing skills. Awesome insights , keep up good work.